Orange County Commercial Electrical

Orange County Exterior Lighting

Orange County Commercial Electrical

Orange County Commercial Electrical Services


Are you looking for top quality Orange County Commercial electrical services? If yes, your search is over as we are proud to offer you commercial services that really meet or even surpass all your expectations.


Here is a little about our Orange County Commercial electrical services…


If you are a corporate building/business owner, you may be already aware that your building required a different kind of assistance compared to residential electrical services. We at Leone Electric are here to offer you a helping hand. We can undertake all the complex and tough work of larger systems that function on a corporate basis. Our team of electricians are fully qualified and skilled to handle this type of work and problems that may arise with your commercial electric system.


We have been doing this work for more than 30 years and we take pride in achieving full customer satisfaction.


The difference between commercial electrical services and residential services is bigger than what you may assume. Here are their key differences:


  • Commercial impact: Your business is your absolute pillar. When unfortunate electrical problems emerge, you may need help urgently are you and your workers’ productivity and safety may be at huge stake. This is we take every request for commercial repairs very seriously.


  • Lighting updates: you may not realize this but your pocket may be empty from outdated and possibly faulty lighting. We can perform efficient lighting upgrades/retrofits so you can make the most of your building and save money in the long run.


  • System communication wiring: Your business building should be built and prepared in such a way as to comply with the demands of a big workforce and even multiple companies or business expansion.


  • Surge protection: A fully functional electrical system requires a surge protection. A sudden power surge can be quite hazardous and result in unfortunate damages that surpass the initial hours of damaged electrics. You as a business building owner, are obliged to protect your electrical system from surges.


  • Commercial generators: Commercial generators can be handy as they act as an emergency power source which can be life-saving for keeping your business power on and functioning in an outage. Our team of expert commercial electricians will suggest the right commercial generator to keep your business up and running.


Attempting to fix any issues with your building’s electrical system on your own may not only be ineffective, it can be dangerous too. Quick DIY fixes will not solve your electrical problems and you may end up paying more to fix major damages that you simply failed to fix alone.


When your business building needs some electrical work, you have to choose the most trusted, reliable and qualified team of electricians to help you. The reason is that,  dealing with business electricals is far more complicated than dealing with residential electrical problems. So, whether you need to upgrade or replace your business interior or exterior lights, check the safety of your connections, and safeguard your system in general from future mishaps, you can get in touch with Leone Electric for assistance.


Once you hire us, our expert electricians will make sure that everything runs smoothly and functions according to the latest industry and national or regional standards and codes. Our work is meticulous and we make sure not to leave any unnecessary holes, patches or tangled wiring that may possibly ruin the initial purpose of upgrading and repairing your business electrics.


For custom quotes and more info regarding our Orange County commercial services, feel free to call our number or send a message in our online contact form. We can’t wait to hear from you!




